“Goosebumps” is very reminiscent of nineties TV movies one would find on Nickelodeon or the Disney Channel; it evokes the kind of cheery sentiment of network premieres that were the talk of the lunch table in elementary school. Its ability to rekindle the kind of charm of the series whilst creating something that’s pleasantly manic and a bit creepy without being too cheeky or immature shows that this kind of filmmaking hasn’t gone by the wayside just yet.
Suspicious of Shivers and fearing Hannah is in danger, Zach anonymously calls Shivers and pretends to be a police officer and tells him to come to the police station for further questioning. Once he is gone, Zach and Champ break into Shivers’ house in search of Hannah. They find several manuscripts from the Goosebumps book series, all of which are locked. They unlock The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena, but are confronted by Hannah who assumes they are burglarizing the house. Zach clears up the misunderstanding. But when he accidentally opens the unlocked book, the Abominable Snowman emerges from it and breaks out of the house. In the ensuing chaos, the Night of the Living Dummy manuscript is accidentally unlocked as well. Zach, Champ, and Hannah pursue the Abominable Snowman to a local ice rink where it attacks them, but Shivers appears and sucks it back into the book.
This film’s story may not be completely original, but it feels fresh and it is fantastically well executed. All of the actors are perfectly cast (even Jack Black, who, in our opinion, seems to have had more misses than hits in his career). With the help of a story by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski, a script by Darren Lemke and the direction of Rob Letterman, this cast and this story hit the perfect balance between frightening and fun – just like the “Goosebumps” books themselves. The script is very funny and the dialog and character interactions are charming from the very beginning to the very end of the movie. The interesting characters, the story’s danger and adventure, along with the excitement and humor all seamlessly contribute to a simply wonderful family film that will appeal to kids of all ages, even if they don’t know their goose bumps from their speed bumps or their Kings from their Stines. “A+”
Goosebumps is the kind of fun, family entertainment that isn’t made much anymore. It’s a relatively PG-affair, with a key eye toward kids from about 10 up. The movie is funny, never raunchy, and actually tells a fairly sweet story about having to learn to let go of things in order to move on in life. Of course, there are some moments that might be a little scary for a kid, but the filmmakers do a great job of diffusing anything that might traumatize a child with laugh out loud humor. The script is chock full of wit, and when you couple that with the great cast of young actors and their impeccable chemistry and comedic timing, you get a movie that is fun instead of nightmarish, plus Jack Black is in prime scenery chewing form as Stine (just don’t compare him to Stephen King). While the movie occasionally barrels through without ever giving our heroes much downtime to reveal more information about their characters, the final act of the movie works because of the likability of the cast and some clever twists that give the movie an added emotional punch.
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